Dispute Resolution For In-House Counsel and Companies

As an in-house counsel or business owner, you know that controlling costs is critical. With litigation expenses and risk higher than ever, you need a better way. Backchannel is exactly what you are looking for.

Backchannel lets you resolve legal disputes at a fraction of the cost of traditional negotiation or mediation. You can read more about how it works here.

In-house attorneys can use Backchannel to resolve a dispute before engaging expensive outside counsel. Backchannel’s process is straightforward, effective, and efficient, so you, as in-house counsel, can resolve a dispute on your terms and from the comfort of your own office.

For those disputes that do require outside expertise, you should be asking your outside counsel, “Why aren’t you using Backchannel to get this case done?”

Consider adding a Backchannel step to your mandatory arbitration/ADR program.

The trend for employers in many industries is to require employees to sign mandatory arbitration agreements. Many consumer products companies do something similar. Those agreements have some benefits, including keeping a case out of court. But, employers pay for this privilege by having to pay not only their own lawyers but also an arbitrator.

Those costs can greatly exceed the value of many employment disputes, putting employers in an awkward position of either paying a claim or paying even more to defend it.

Backchannel may be your answer. Ask your lawyer about including a mandatory pre-arbitration step in using Backchannel. Doing so might quickly, easily, and efficiently resolve an employment dispute before it really gets started.

Backchannel may be just what your company needs to resolve disputes at a fraction of the cost.